13 Budget-friendly Backyard Ideas in 2022

budget friendly backyard ideas

It is important to get the most out of your outdoor space, no matter how big or small it may be. There is so much potential for your backyard, and it’s worth investing in. Unfortunately, many people do not have a lot of money to spend on their yard, and they need some inexpensive ideas. 

We all know it’s hard to be creative when you’re on a budget, but that doesn’t mean you need to miss out on fun backyard activities. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to have a luxurious and relaxing time outdoors without breaking the bank.

The first thing you need to know about this article is that it provides a list of 13 Budget-friendly backyard ideas.

13 Budget-Friendly Backyard Ideas

1. Go rustic with an old tire swing

old tire swing on backyard

Some would say that the best way to decorate the backyard with a tire swing is to find an old tire and paint it. However, if you are looking for something more involved than that, you can try building your own tire swing. This is an easy craft project that will take about 2-3 hours to complete, depending on how much help you have available. Building your own tire swing also gives you the opportunity of creating exactly what you want.

It is a great way to have fun in the backyard, but many people don’t know how to hang them. The first step is to find a tree that will support the tire swing. If this is not possible, you can set up two posts or an A-frame to attach it to if needed. Next, take the tire and drill holes at least every twelve inches around its circumference so that it can be strung securely to the rope or chain hanging from the tree branch.

2. Container gardening

container gardening on the backyard

Container gardening can be a great way to take care of plants, and those who do not have much space may find it to be a perfect solution. It is possible to grow an entire garden in containers. Container gardening does not cost as much as many think. You can use inexpensive items like clay pots, old yard toys, and leftover paint to make containers out of unusual objects like old tires. It is an easy and affordable way to grow your own vegetables, herbs, and flowers in your backyard. It’s also a way to introduce children to gardening. 

There are some things you need to know before you decide on which container to buy. Check with your local nursery store for containers that are lightweight and easy to manage. Be sure to measure the space between your eaves or ledge -this will determine how high up your hanging baskets need to be.

Adding plants to the backyard this way is the very basic idea to make the backyard more beautiful. Installing plants will make the backyard feel more inviting and warmer. Suggestions are to get the plants that are easy to care for or plants that grow well in shade. 

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3. Light up the backyard

lightning in the backyard

Outdoor lighting is a critical component to any backyard design. It can add elegance, sophistication, and drama when used properly. The best way to get started is to identify the focal points of the space and determine where you would like light. 

Once these points have been identified, start to look for fixtures that will work well in these areas. String up outdoor lighting made from paper lanterns or hang fairy lights around your backyard. It can be little touches too. Hanging string lights in different lengths looks very trendy.

4. Hanging baskets In your garden

Using hanging baskets in your backyard can provide you with an additional way to grow plants and flowers. These beautiful creations are typically made of wire, moss, or burlap and will need to be hung from something sturdy like a tree branch, fence post, or porch. Hanging baskets are the perfect addition to any home because they require very little maintenance outside of watering them periodically.

Potted plants in hanging baskets are a great way to add color and life to any corner of the yard. They make it easier to plant flowers, herbs, or vegetables because you sometimes don’t even need any soil – just water. While you can buy pots at the store, it’s much cheaper to use inexpensive plastic or terra cotta pots that you can find at your local hardware store.

If you don’t want to use it for that, there are many ways to use a hanging basket without plants in your backyard. You may choose to decorate the basket with fake plants, or you could place a small candle inside. A pile of pebbles or bark is a great way to add some color and texture while adding moss can create a sense of privacy for your space. In addition, you can use those as a bird feeder or water dispenser for pets.

5. Decorate with stones and bricks

Some people might not realize that there is an abundance of free and often unwanted stones and bricks in their yards. These decorative materials can be used to create paths, garden beds, raised beds, and other features in landscape design. Bricks that are made into walls can also provide warmth and ambiance in the evening when they are lit with candles or lights.

If you have stones and bricks lying around the backyard, use them. Gather them and make a border for flower beds or a pathway. You can use stones on the ground as a walkway leading to your stone patio. If you have bricks, they can be used for accents on a wall or fence. 

It is a great way to spend your time and use materials that may otherwise just be lying around. You may also paint them to add color to the backyard.

6. Creative wall art 

creative wall arts

Make your backyard walls more interesting with some creative paintings or photos. It is an easy way to add color and design to your backyard. Hanging up pictures or art around the yard creates intrigue when visitors walk in. You can make it personal by hanging up your own painting that you painted in your leisure. 

Decorating the backyard with your own painting is a great way to get creative and give your home some “flare”. It can be difficult to find time to paint, but this lazy Sunday afternoon project is very easy on both your wallet and time! All you need are some basic painting supplies like brushes, paints, and some old sheets. Painting the backyard doesn’t take much time at all either.

7. Make a sandbox: A fun for kids

Many children grow up with a sandbox in their backyard or front yard. It was once thought that these small play areas were only meant for children, but now they are also great for pets. Sandboxes are not difficult to make and can offer hours of entertainment for both children and animals alike.

However, if you are not willing to shell out the cash for a store-bought sandbox, there are plenty of ways to make a sandbox yourself. You can build it with natural materials like hay or sand and rocks, or you can buy some wood and put it together your own. Or you may make a plastic sandbox for $25.

8. Add fences and arches

fences and arches in the backyard

You can go with fencing or arches to give your yard an instant facelift that will last for years to come. Prices for arches can be as low as $12. 

Install fences that come in different sizes, shapes, and colors. You can make it on your own. Many of us have old items at home that can be used to make a fence. If you are on a tight budget, it’s worth looking around the house to see if there are materials you can use to construct a fence. 

If you have old wood boards and nails lying around, you can use screws or glue and brackets for fastening the planks together. Another cheaper option is making a wire mesh fence with old bamboo poles found in your backyard. If you already have fences and arches, you can decorate them to enclose your backyard space with beauty.

9. DIY Outdoor Fireplaces

diy outdoor fireplaces

If you’re the type who loves to sit around a campfire, then you should consider installing a fire pit. Fire pits are a great way to cool off after a hard day of yard work or just to enjoy an evening with friends. Rather than buying one cheaply made fire pit, you can pick up some time-tested DIY tactics for constructing your own on the cheap. 

One of the most popular is using an old metal bucket as your holder. Find your bucket and wrap it in aluminum foil. Next, set up some rocks around your bucket for an attractive design. Finally, light it up!

10. Relax in a hammock

relax in in the outdoor

Hammocks have been a staple in many people’s lives for a long time. They are perfect for lounging around and enjoying the summer weather with friends and family. It is also a great way to relax after an exhausting day at work. The hammock can be used as a decoration by adding it to the backyard. It may be all you need to take those leisurely summer naps. It is a great way to stay shady and enjoy a good book while saving on electricity. If you’re feeling ambitious, build your own from some rope and stakes.

However, not every backyard can accommodate a hammock due to many factors such as size, location, or what the area is primarily used for. If you don’t have that problem, there are ways to get a hammock for less money such as buying a used hammock or making your own. One way is to find an old hammock nearby–it can be at a garage sale or at someone’s house for the summer. Another option is to buy one of those large cotton towels and hang it from both ends of some furniture.

11. An outdoor rug for lounging

 an outdoor rug for lounging

Decorating the backyard with a rug can help you to reduce the amount of weed growth, as well as provide a nice place for you and your family to sit. Even for $30, you can get yourself a stylish rug to add color to the backyard.

Decorating the backyard with a rug is also very easy, so even if you are not at all crafty or have any carpentry skills, you should be able to do it! 

The first thing that you need to do is decide on the type of material that you would like to use for your outdoor rug. Then, measure the area you’re interested in. It can be difficult to purchase a rug online without taking the measurements of your space into account. The goal is to find a rug that will fill up as much of the empty space as possible without feeling too cramped or cramped. Once you have an idea of the size, start looking for rugs that match your design style and color preferences.

12. DIY gazebo

A gazebo is a beautiful addition to any backyard. They provide shade, escape from the sun, and can be used as extra seating. But, to many people, this may not be the case. Gazebos make great additions yet they are too costly for most homeowners.

But with some creativity and materials, you can make a gazebo in your backyard, that too on a budget. You need to understand the pricing for a gazebo to find the best way to fit it into your budget. You can have one for under $200.

The great thing about a DIY gazebo is that you can customize it to your heart’s desire. You can paint it, fill it with plants, and even have your little ones draw on the walls! 

13. Build a treehouse: Kids of all ages will love this!

treehouse in the backyard

Many people dream of what it would be like to have their own treehouse in the backyard. A treehouse is a place for kids to play and dream, but also an escape for adults. Many people think of the treehouse as the perfect way to beat boredom because it can be used for so many things! However, people are usually hesitant because the cost of building a treehouse is extravagant. Building one by yourself takes a good investment of time.

But building a treehouse can be an economical way to get out of the house and get some fresh air, but the project can also be expensive if you don’t do it right. Treehouses come in many shapes and sizes, so it’s important to decide on what features you want before you start construction. The most popular types of treehouses are small forts with stairs, platforms, bridges, and rope swings that children of all ages enjoy. If you put some of your time and labor, you can build your own treehouse for $300. 


Creating a backyard that is fun to play in, spend time in, and explore can be simple with just a little creativity. By adding something new to your backyard each day, you will make it more exciting for your family and friends.

Hope these ideas have given you a few good ideas for how to make your backyard a more fun place to hang out. Having a great backyard is something all of us can aspire to. So, what are you waiting for? Get started from today. Do let us know your backyard’s makeover results in the comments section. We would love to be a part.

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